Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bread Pudding in Microwave

Hi everybody!

So today I finally got better of my lethargic self and created this blog where I want to discuss food (mostly), travelling (occasionally), movies (once in a blue moon) and other life-savingly important things in life without which not even a binge watching of 'Friends' or 'The Big Bang Theory' can hold much worth (for after all you do need the fried chicken and popcorn)!

So without further ado let us dive straight into it:

Bread Pudding:

There are so many different versions of this simple dessert that I cannot even count them on fingers. Let me warn you though, I am an instinctive (some would say totally clueless, but don't listen to them) cook. So I don't usually measure out my ingredients in cups and sometimes throw in things that are not in the recipe. I am not a purist so as long as the end result is a tasty dish, it is completely ok to deviate. 

Enough here is how I made the bread pudding in microwave. It was my very first attempt and it came out surprisingly well.


6 slices of two-day-old milk bread
1 & 1/2 cups of milk
3 eggs
1 small knob of butter (amounts to 1 and 1/2 tablespoon if melted)
1/2 teaspoon eggless custard powder (I used Wikefield, but this ingredient is optional)
A handful of raisins
2 tablespoon of sugar
3/4 teaspoon vanilla essence


I tear up the breads in rough, bite-size pieces, mix them with raisins and put them into my glass, microwave-proof casserole, pressing them down with a spoon. I warm the milk along with the sugar and the knob of butter. I dissolve the custard powder first in a spoonful of milk before slowly mixing it into the warm milk, stirring vigorously all the while. I break the eggs in a relatively large bowl and beat them with a whisk until they are frothy and mix the vanilla essence in it. When the milk cools down a bit I pour it slowly into the egg, again whisking the mixture so that the eggs don't scramble. I strain the liquid and my custard is ready. Now I pour it over the bread and make sure it fills up all the nooks and corners of the casserole. I again press down the bread so that all pieces are thoroughly soaked in the egg and milk mixture. I have already pre-heated the oven at 200 degree Celsius. I fill my baking tray with water, and place the casserole on it. Then I bake the pudding at 200 degree Celsius for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes I skew it in the middle with a knife and find out it is still  a bit raw and so I give it five more minutes and it is ready. 

As you can see the top portion is really crunchy, but underneath, it is really soft and yummy.

I will soon upload the caramel pudding that I tried a few months back and it was heavenly.
Until then...bye and please leave comments below.

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